Thursday, October 29

Is a lie good at times ?

My values are too strong. I can't lie to people .. i wont say i never lied.. but people who knows me will agree that i don't lie. And i hate people who does it ! Specially when a person lies with the most confidence. It is beyond my imagination. How do they do it so beautifully? At times i want to learn that art. It might help me at times if not always ! isn't it ?

But do people choose to lie only to save himself? Or is it the circumstances ? which forces one to say that lie ? Or the person to whom he lies to, had forced him to speak so ? Maybe the listener can't digest the truth .. so is the lie better ? if yes, then shouldn't the lie be a well secret ? what if, the person comes to know of the truth anyways ... then?? where does both people stand now? Considering the teller be A and listener be B : how should both A and B react ? B feels guilty of how pathetic he is .. how his behavior forced a lie out of A. A must be guilty of telling the lie .. The whole thing is so confusing !! Isn't it better to keep a distance between the two so that such confrontation never comes up ever in life ? a space of respect for each to be the individual they are. isn't thats the best ? the space might hurt in the beginning .. but to have a happy life such hurts are a worth for!

Respecting an individuals likes/dis-likes should be the prime thing for life. A person forcing another to say a lie is as much a sinner as the one who lied. Don't ever force a person to the edge . . you might not like a habit of your friend but respect it as long as it doesn't effect your life . He is an individual . He has his own likes/dis-likes. Its his Life after all !! He can live life once. So let it be !!

SEE . . . lie is not as bad as it is in my mind. Life teaches us many things and its better you learn fast from them before time flies away.

Keep Smiling !!! I love my Life !!! :)


piyushpranay said...

just wondered what prompted the blog.. any particular incident?? waise everytime the decision is not so simple.. i am with lying sometimes n also when its harmless. sometimes its for greater cause tho it does turn ugly at other times.

Moments Of Life said...

Yes its true Piyush ! its too complicated. is there a way to judge a lie ?

Anonymous said...

Frankly speaking with the influx of so many mediums, lie is as good as truth. A lie kills, so does truth.

Are you prejudicial about 'male' being a crafty liar?


P.S.: Hey Blogroll me if you want.b

Moments Of Life said...

i say humans by "he" :)