Monday, September 21

Confused State of Mind

Do u feel at times u don't connect to anyone ? do u feel alone ? in a weird old world.. people around u just blabbering with their own opinions/thots with not even half knowledge of the trouble/pain u are in ....which they name as "advices"... .. do u feel so ?? do you ??

why is it always so easy to share our happiness but not sorrow ??? we have so many expressions to show happiness ... we smile.. we giggle.. laugh .. roll over .. jump .. scream ... sing.. dance what not .. but we know only to shed our tears when we are sad. the more it hurts the less it comes out it seems ... why cant we express our sorrow in words to someone and feel relieved [ i'm talking abt the bigger ones .. plzz ! ]

Aftr spking ur heart out .. did u ever feel cheated ? cheated in the sense .. the person thot u are over -reacting may be .. or its nothing to b That sad .. u knw the feeling "why the hell did i spk!!!" ?? did u ever feel that ??

or is it only me who goes through this ? am i the only one on this earth feeling so ? i hope not !!!!!

why does it hurt so much ! i want a way to dig in there and pull that out of my whole system. we are humans .. ok its not "we" ... high time i speak for myself ... I want to be happy .. I want to relish my life ... I want the @#$%^&* grief to GO ... leave me alone !!!!!

I want a happy Life !

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