Monday, February 22

It Hurts !

I feel like shit. what life is this!! should i be happy or sad? today is the day of immense happiness.. the greatest pleasure .. it should be actually... but again the sadness as usual always over powers a person's happiness. why is it so? why is the emotions so unfair?? shouldn't it be the other way round ? life would have been so much easier had had it been that way. but no .. world has its own rules and its most well guided by human emotions. and that's the beast. emotions. you don't have control over them and they have full control over you .. they don't ?? u wanna say that?? well test yourself or would say life has been good to you ... damn lucky !!!

well testing yourself on this point wont be that easy. it should be a day/time where you have the reasons/logic and you do feel Both the emotions strongly. and you will feel yourself how badly the sadness over powers the happiness. Damn !! I tell you it hurts.. it hurts you bad...

Note : today my niece was born. today is her First Birthday! She is the first one from our next generation in our Family. She will be the eldest down the line. :) 10 days from now it will be the First Death Anniversary of my Sister : her mom.

1 comment:

Priyanka Upadhyai said...

I have no words. Really sorry about this.