Thursday, October 29

Is a lie good at times ?

My values are too strong. I can't lie to people .. i wont say i never lied.. but people who knows me will agree that i don't lie. And i hate people who does it ! Specially when a person lies with the most confidence. It is beyond my imagination. How do they do it so beautifully? At times i want to learn that art. It might help me at times if not always ! isn't it ?

But do people choose to lie only to save himself? Or is it the circumstances ? which forces one to say that lie ? Or the person to whom he lies to, had forced him to speak so ? Maybe the listener can't digest the truth .. so is the lie better ? if yes, then shouldn't the lie be a well secret ? what if, the person comes to know of the truth anyways ... then?? where does both people stand now? Considering the teller be A and listener be B : how should both A and B react ? B feels guilty of how pathetic he is .. how his behavior forced a lie out of A. A must be guilty of telling the lie .. The whole thing is so confusing !! Isn't it better to keep a distance between the two so that such confrontation never comes up ever in life ? a space of respect for each to be the individual they are. isn't thats the best ? the space might hurt in the beginning .. but to have a happy life such hurts are a worth for!

Respecting an individuals likes/dis-likes should be the prime thing for life. A person forcing another to say a lie is as much a sinner as the one who lied. Don't ever force a person to the edge . . you might not like a habit of your friend but respect it as long as it doesn't effect your life . He is an individual . He has his own likes/dis-likes. Its his Life after all !! He can live life once. So let it be !!

SEE . . . lie is not as bad as it is in my mind. Life teaches us many things and its better you learn fast from them before time flies away.

Keep Smiling !!! I love my Life !!! :)

Friday, October 23


This is called 50 FIRST REACTIONS. Type what comes to your mind FIRST whenever you see these 50 words. Don't think and don't go back and change. Doesn't matter how random it is, just type it! Re-post it for all of your friends. Consider yourself tagged if you are reading this!

1. Beer: No

2. Food: i love few specific stuff... rest i eat just to stay alive

3. Relationships: love to nourish them

4. Your CRUSH: m too old for that word i guess.. stopped happening :(

5. Power Rangers: wat ???

6. Life: smile

7. The President: abdul kallam .. i respected him the most till date

8. Yummy: mutton or hilsa (ilish) fish

9. Cars: honda CRV/scorpio ;)

10. Movies: love them... except the violent ones

11. Halloween: dress upp

12. Sex: female ;)

13. Religion: hindu

14. Hate: Alcohol

15. Fear: height

16. Marriage: responsibilty and care for ur spouse more than urself

17. Blondes: dumb

18. Slippers: i need to wear it always here at home... i hate it :( i love clean home but jindal plant sucks

19. Shoes: many

20. Asians: beauty

21. Pastime: internet

22. One night stand: never attracted

23. My cell Phone: walk whn u talk

24. Smoke: tried ... didnt like. i hate the smell these days

25. Fantasy: to own a sexy gown

26. College: mixed feeling

27. High school life: FUN

28. Pajamas: night dress tho i prefer shorts

29. Stars: romantic

30. Center: gunjan

31. Alcohol: no

32. The word love: :)

33. Friends: love them

34. Money: important gives u a stand in the family/society

35. Heartache: lessons leanrt

36. Time: best healer

37. Divorce: if u want to die its a opening for life.. otherwise just a shortcut to run away from responsibilities and adjustments

38. Dogs: love them

39. Undies: black

40. Parents: unconditioned love

41. Babies: adorable

42. Ex: forget them

43. Song: cant think of any particular song

44. Color: white/black/red

45. Weddings: easiest way to waste money ... m fine with the basic needs. hate the show off trend

46. Pizza: m bored now

47. Hangout: city centre food plaza in kolkata

48. Rest: lie down

49. Goal: football

50. Inspiration: baba

Saturday, October 10

I am Happy !

"aaj mein khush hoon ... ki tum hi bolo mein khush kiu " weird song .. many might not evn know its a song ... but today i feel like singing it... weird na ? :D he he not really .. i am so happy today.. if u ask me why i dont have any answer to it.

I feel to dress up .. wander somewhere ... talk talk and talk .. i am in hyper mode .. so excited.. clicking some photographs will be the best thing i guess ... i love my life.. i have one life and i love it so much.

Once my english teacher had said ...humans always think life has too many troubles and makes us so sad.but if we weigh our happy and sad moments of our whole life we will found it to be the same. its just tat we cherish a day of happiness for jst a day and cry for 10 days for a day's sadness. so its how we want our life to be.

Then i have seen my father. i saw baba follows the same principle. and i have never seen a more happy and content person ever ! that was his secret!!

Thats the time from when i start following it. and today its my habit. i cherish a moment for longer days. i re-recall the moment in regular interval..and it brings a smile on my face. its so easy! it at times makes me smile evn when i have a fight with gunjan. it helps me to forgive gunjan so easily whn i just imagine the smile on his face/how he makes me feel spcl whn he goes rong smwhr / how well he asks for forgiveness. those moments helps me to forgive him at times w/o evn complaining.

Staying happy or sad is all in ur mind. u can control it. and i do so. i can store my sadness for the bigger troubles in life. till then m happy n content. i have got everything that i cud have ever imagined i will get in my life.

Yes i am happy !!! Love to all !!!

SMILE Please !!!