Tuesday, September 21

Commonwealth Games coming up !

And india is at its best !

Thanks to commonwealth, govt. declares pple from other states [who doesn't have ration card from NCR ] can't work in NCR .. even a valid voting id card provided by govt. is not acceptable !!!! Indians are Indians only if they are Rich ! Of course this rule is not for everyone...The poor harmless people are always the victim. They are the victim by the politician's fake promises to gain votes and then the politicians themselve treat them as threat when required.

They actually broke all their homes and poor guys had to flee to their native places. They were beatean up.

I had heard the stories from my maid, Lata and felt so bad for her. Lata even had an id served as a permit to work in NCR. Then why were they allowed on the first place? Allowed them to settle down and breaking their homes according to govt's wishes ! wow !! When will govt understand how much energy, money it takes to build a house and settle in a new city. Why dont they have the right to work in NCR even though they are a Indian ?? Why ???

There is no maid, rickshaw wala, press wala etc etc none in so many sectors of Gurgaon today ! Ridiculous! Its damn irritating. They name it Security for Commonwealth Games... F*** !

Thursday, September 9

Help ! Post a Comment if you read this.

I have a constant thought in my mind.

It is about Calcutta/Kolkata [as you wanna call it.. some how i am more attached with the first name]

At first i used to think Bongs are attached and possessive about the same. But with time i realized thats not the case even non-bongs love the city. But whenever i have moved out i have heard many strong negative thoughts about the city from many people. Many talk good things too.
Today from my friend Sureeta's FB status i thought of making a discussion on it.

What do you guys think?

What was your experience?

Anyone who is not born and brought up like the city ?

How is Delhi,Mumbai,Bangalore better than Calcutta please help me on this. today i live in delhi... i can never say its better.
leaving away my biased side for calcutta, delhi is much way behind calcutta. I still put pune better than Calcutta.. but how on earth can delhi be better???????? A girl cant go home alone in Delhi post 8pm .... back i calcutta i used to travel in a Cab alone even at 11pm !!! People !!!

Please Speak up why and how other cities are better ! I really wanna know !